Staf Handbook Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin
Name | Agus Suyetno, S.Pd., M.Pd. | ||||||
Post | Mechanical Engineering (Assistant Professor) | ||||||
Academic | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Education Master of Mechanical Engineering Education | Universitas Negeri Malang Universitas Negeri Malang | 2013 2016 | ||||
Employment | Lecturer | Universitas Negeri Malang | 2019 | ||||
Research and development projects over the last 5 years | Hazards Identification, Assessment And Risk Control Of Work Accidents In Welding Laboratory Of Mechanical Engineering Education Of Universitas Negeri Malang (2019) The Development Of Arrow Robot Prototypes For Learning Robotics Mathematics In Mechanical Engineering Department (2020) | ||||||
Industry collaborations over the last 5 years | – | ||||||
Patents and proprietary rights | – | – | – | ||||
Important publications over the last 5 years | Development of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Welding class ( The effect of extrusion speed on mechanical properties of starch-based biocomposite Increasing the Quality and Quantity of Production in the Creative Wood Craft Industry with an Adjustable Scroll Saw Machine in Batu City, East Java ( | ||||||
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years | Organisation | Role | Period | ||||
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned |
Name | Prof. Dr. H. Muhammad Alfian Mizar, M.P. | ||||||
Post | Mechanical Engineering (Professor) | ||||||
Academic | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Education Master of Agricultural Mechanization Doctoral degree of Agricultural Mechanization | IKIP Negeri Malang Universitas Gadjah Mada Universitas Gadjah Mada | 1985 1996 2010 | ||||
Employment | Lecturer | Universitas Negeri Malang | 1988 | ||||
Research and development projects over the last 5 years | Self Learning Energy Management System for Optimizing Energy Saving in Hybrid OFF GRID powered smart buildings (2019) Building Speaker Using IoT Sensor Network Technology For Energy Management in Hybrid OFF GRID Powered Buildings (2019) Optimization of Sugarcane Bagasse Bioethanol Production Process Using Integrated Shaker Machine Fuzzy-Logic Control of Temperature and Humidity (2019) Design and Performance Test of Multi Intake Food Product Cutting Machines to Support Business Sustainability in Small Industries on the Impact of Covid-19 (2020) | ||||||
Industry collaborations over the last 5 years | – | ||||||
Patents and proprietary rights | Fish feed spreader with centrifugal thrower Smart Socket: IOT Energy Monitoring Rubbing Machine For Skin Surface | IDS000001713 000126872 IDS 000002184 | 7 Dec 2017 5 Dec 2018 12 March 2019 | ||||
Important publications over the last 5 years | Performance test of machine groundnuts husk peeling using a rotary multidisc system – a case study (,%20No.2%20(2017)/10-Marsono.pdf) Bioethanol Production From Sugarcane Bagasse Pretreated By Trichoderma Viride An Experimental Test Of The Effect Of Cup Diameter On The Power Performance Of Novel Design Hc-Type Vawt ( IoT Based Smart Garden Irrigation System ( | ||||||
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years | Organisation | Role | Period | ||||
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned |
Name | Dr. Dwi Agus Sudjimat, S.T., M.Pd | ||||||
Post | Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (Lektor Kepala) | ||||||
Academic | S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin S2 Teknologi Pembelajaran S3 Teknologi Pembelajaran | IKIP MALANG IKIP MALANG Unversitas Negeri Malang | 1979-1983 1989-1991 1995-2000 | ||||
Employment | Tenaga Dosen | Universitas Negeri Malang | 1984-present | ||||
Research and development projects over the last 5 years | 2016, Pengembangan Buku Kerja Siswa SMK Berbasis Proyek dan Pendekatan Saintifik pada Matapelajaran Teknik Pengelasan Busur Manual (Upaya Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Teknikal dan Berpikir Ilmiah Siswa). DP2M Ditjen Dikti 2015, Survei Implementasi PjBL dalam Pembelajaran Produktif di SMK Paket Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan. Swadana 2013, Pengembangan Kecakapan Kemampukerjaan (Employability Skills) Siswa SMK Bidang Studi Keahlian Teknologi dan Rekayasa Secara Terintegrasi dalam Pembelajaran Normatif, Adaptif, dan Produktif. DP2M Ditjen Dikti | ||||||
Industry collaborations over the last 5 years | Judul proyek Partner | ||||||
Patents and proprietary rights | Judul HKI | Tahun | |||||
Important publications over the last 5 years | Publikasi terbaru yang dipilih dari total publikasi yang dimiliki. (Total publikasi): 7 Author(s) Title:
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Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years | Organisation | Role | Period | ||||
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned |
Name | Drs. Maftuchin Romlie M.Pd. | ||||||
Post | Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (Lektor Kepala) | ||||||
Academic | S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (Data Penempatan awal) S2 Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (Pendidikan) | Universitas Negeri Malang IKIP NEGERI JAKARTA, KPK IKIP YOGYAKARTA Malang IKIP NEGERI YOGYAKARTA | 1987 1989-2003 1981-1985 | ||||
Employment | Tenaga Dosen | Universitas Negeri Malang | 1987 | ||||
Research and development projects over the last 5 years | Teknologi Manufaktur, Pendidikan Kejuruan | ||||||
Industry collaborations over the last 5 years | Judul proyek Partner | ||||||
Patents and proprietary rights | Judul HKI | Tahun | |||||
Important publications over the last 5 years | Publikasi terbaru yang dipilih dari total publikasi yang dimiliki. (Total publikasi): Author(s) Dwi Agus Sudjimat, Amat Nyoto, Maftuchin Romlie Title Project Planning Characteristics In Project-Based Learning On Mechanical Engineering Study Program ICOVET 2018 | ||||||
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years | Organisation | Role | Period | ||||
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned |
Name | Marsono, S.Pd.T., M.Pd., Ph.D. | ||||||
Post | Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (Lektor) | ||||||
Academic | S1 Pendidikan Teknik Mesin S2 Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan Technological and Vocational Education | Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta National Yunlin University of Science & Technology – Taiwan | 2007 2010 2016 | ||||
Employment | Tenaga Dosen | Universitas Negeri Malang | 2010-present | ||||
Research and development projects over the last 5 years |
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Industry collaborations over the last 5 years | Judul proyek Partner | ||||||
Patents and proprietary rights | Judul HKI | Tahun | |||||
Important publications over the last 5 years | (Total publikasi): 6 among 13 Author(s): Marsono Title
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Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years | Organisation | Role | Period | ||||
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned |
Name | Drs., H. Suwarno, M.Pd. | ||||||
Post | Mechanical Engineering Education, assistant professor | ||||||
Academic | Master degree (Technology and Vocational Education) Bachelor degree (mechanical engineering education) | State University of Yogyakarta State University of Malang | 1998 1984 | ||||
Employment | Lecturer | State University of Malang | 1985-now | ||||
Research and development projects over the last 5 years | – | ||||||
Industry collaborations over the last 5 years |
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Patents and proprietary rights | – | ||||||
Important publications over the last 5 years | – | ||||||
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years | – | ||||||
Name | Dr. Tuwoso, M.P. | ||||||
Post | Mechanical Engineering Education, associate professor | ||||||
Academic | Doctoral degree (Technology and Vocational Education) Master degree (Agricultural mechanization) Bachelor degree (mechanical engineering education) | State University of Yogyakarta Gadjah Mada University State University of Malang | 2007 1995 1983 | ||||
Employment | Lecturer | State University of Malang | 1988-now | ||||
Research and development projects over the last 5 years | Improving Student Learning Outcomes in the Subject of Machine Electricity and Energy Conversion in Vocational High Schools by Implementing Problem-Base Learning and Scientific Approaches. (2017) Funding from Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) State University of Malang 1,406 USD Development of life-based courses in the field of welding to form an entrepreneurial spirit for students majoring in Mechanical Engineering (2017) Funding from Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) State University of Malang 1,406 USD Development of life-based courses in the field of welding to form a character of entrepreneurial spirit for students majoring in Mechanical Engineering (2017) Funding from Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) State University of Malang 1,406 USD Seamless Massive Open Online Courses (Moocs) Technology Integrated Hybrid Learning With Lbl Approach As An Acceleration Of Increasing Professional Capability And Outcome Quality For Prospective Vocational Teacher Students (2019) Funding from Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) State University of Malang 5,624 USD Improvement of Quality and Quantity of Production of Sweet Potato-Based Food Industry in Batu Tourism City (2019) Funding from Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) State University of Malang 2,601 USD Augmented Reality Learning Technology Based on 3d Model Assembling Through Potential Regional Approaches in Increasing Special Competency of Graduates of Vocational Students in Indonesia (2020) Funding from Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) State University of Malang 5,624 USD Increasing the Quality and Quantity of Production in the Creative Industry of Wood Crafts in Batu Tourism City, East Java (2020) Funding from Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) State University of Malang 1,898 USD | ||||||
Industry collaborations over the last 5 years |
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Patents and proprietary rights | – | ||||||
Important publications over the last 5 years | Author(s): Herman M. Kaharmen, D. Kustono, Waras, Tuwoso, Poppy Puspitasari Design of Computerized Interactive ABS/ESP Self-Direct Learning Simulator (CIA-DLS) with Andragogical Method prespective to Improve the Learning Output, American Scientific Publishers. Vol. 23, 754–758, 2017 Author(s): A. S. Mahdi, A. K. Mahamad, S. Saon, T. Tuwoso, Hakkun Elmunsyah & S. W. Mudjanarko Maximum power point tracking using perturb and observe, fuzzy logic and ANFIS SN Applied Sciences, (2020) 2:89, Springer Nature Switzerland AG Author(s): Jamingan, A., Mahamad, A. K., Saon, S., Tuwoso, Iskandar, A. R., & Hapudin, M. S. DSLR-Tutor: An Android Application for Essentials in Digital Photography, Journal of Electronics Voltage and Application, VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2020) 1-10
Author(s): Ismail , M. N. D., Mahamad , A. K., Saon, S., Ahmadon, M. A., Yamaguchi, S., & Tuwoso, T. FKEE Staff Publication System, Journal of Electronics Voltage and Application VOL. 1 NO. 1 (2020) 40-51 Author(s): Setyamartana Parmana, Tiauw Hiong Go, Tuwoso Two Constant Amplitude Pulses’ Input Shaper to Maneuver an Attitude of Precise-Oriented Flexible Spacecraft, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 465(2020) 115011 | ||||||
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years | – | ||||||
Name | Dr. Widiyanti, M.Pd. | ||||||
Post | Mechanical Engineering (Associate Professor) | ||||||
Academic | Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering Education Master of Mechanical Engineering Education Doctoral degree of Engineering Education | IKIP Surabaya IKIP Jakarta Universitas Negeri Malang | 1989 1989-1992 2011-2016 | ||||
Employment | Lecturer | Universitas Negeri Malang | 1990 | ||||
Research and development projects over the last 5 years | 21st Century Based E-Learning in Mechatronics Course (2019) Workshop / Laboratory Management Training For Practical Teachers In Vocational School Of Malang City (2018) Workshop Management Training for Vocational School Teachers In Malang City Region (2018) | ||||||
Industry collaborations over the last 5 years | The Effectiveness of Mendong Plaited Rope Production: The Design of Automatic Mendong Rope Twisting Machine (With Mendong HCrafter) Implementation oOf Appropriate Technology for The Utilization of Household Waste (Village Tayu Kulon Kecamatan Tayu Kabupaten Pati-Jawa Tengah) Health And Safety Employment In Vocational Education Workshop / Laboratory For Teachers (An activity equivalent to 50 hours of work per semester (approved by the leadership: Dean or Chairperson of the LPPM) | ||||||
Patents and proprietary rights | Flying Pest Trap Tool CAD E-Book Tips And Tricks | IDS000002752 000188553 | 31 Dec 2019 28 Mei 2020 | ||||
Important publications over the last 5 years | Obstacles of Implementing a Teaching Factory: An Analysis in Vocational Secondary SchoolAny other information ( Project-Based Learning Based On Stem (Science, Technology, Engineering, And Mathematics) To Develop The Skill Of Vocational High School Students ( Characteristics of ASTM A36 steel plate corrosion rate due to bending treatment with angle, corrosion media, and corrosion time variations ( Exhaust emissions analysis of gasoline motor fueled with corncob-based bioethanol and RON 90 fuel mixture ( | ||||||
Activities in specialist bodies over the last 5 years | Organisation | Role | Period | ||||
Membership without a specific role need not be mentioned |