Pilih Laman

Module designation

Advanced Manufacturing Process

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Elective Course

Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, project


144 hours

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Attendance, homework

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Understand the type and procedure of manual work.
  2. Understand the basic theoretical of metal cutting
  3. Understand the work principle of metal turning, shaping, milling, and hole making.
  4. Design the turning process
  5. Design the gear machining
  6. Understand the metal grinding and its equipment


Advanced technology in machining including conventional and non-conventional machining such as USM, AWJM, EDM, ECM, EBM, LBM, 3D printing, and precision machining.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Individual and group assessment by lecturer

Media employed

Slide presentation, e-book, video, youtube, and other online media

Reading list

Grzesik, Wit. 2017 Advanced Machining Processes of Metallic Materials Theory, Modelling, and Applications 2nd edition. ElSevier 

Kalpakjian, S. and Schmid, S. R., 2009. Manufacturing Engineering and Technology, Sixth Edition in SI Units, Pearson.

Module designation

Advanced Materials Strength

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd semester

Person responsible for the module

Prof. Dr. Andoko, S.T., M.T.


Prof. Dr. Andoko, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Elective Course

Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, project


144 hours

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Attendance, homework

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

Students understand energy and mass conservations-based development methods in manufacturing process analytically and apply them in their research topics


Advanced mechanics related to force, stress, strain, elasticity, moment, and torque

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Individual and group assessment by lecturer

Media employed

Slide presentation, e-book, video, youtube, and other online media

Reading list

Advanced Mechanics of Materials 6ed – Boresi and Schmidt

Mechanics of materials,  Ferdinand Beer  et al. — 6th ed (2012)

Ach. Muhib Zainuri, S.T, Kekuatan Bahan

Mekanika Bahan, Sidharta S, Kamrwan

Binsar Hariandja, Mekanika Bahan dan Pengantar Teori Elastisitas

Module designation

Metode Analisis Teknik

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D


Rr. Poppy Puspitasari. S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Mahasiswa mampu mempelajari karakterisasi material dengan metode reverse engineering
  2. Mahasiswa mampu mempelajari karakterisasi material di level atomik
  3. Mahasiswa memahami karakterisasi menggunakan plasma, sputtering, neutron, dan metode mutakhir lainnya


Matakuliah ini mempelajari beberapa metoda karakterisasi dan identifikasi material untuk melakukan antara lain proses reverse engineering ataupun pengembangan material baru. Karakterisasinya meliputi pengujian sifat-sifat material yang diperlukan untuk kondisi kerja yang dialami, kemudian dilengkapi dengan analisis dengan beberapa metoda yang lebih canggih seperti teknik metalografi, spektroskopi optik dan x-ray, spectroskopi massa, metoda kimia klasik, metoda resonansi, metoda difraksi, metoda elektron optik, spektroskopi elektron atau x-ray, metoda yang didasarkan pada fenomena sputtering atau scattering, kromatografi, dan metoda mutakhir lainnya yang setiap saat berkembang. 

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Software, e-book, power point

Reading list

  1. ASM Handbook, Material Characterization 
  2. William A. Goddard III, et.al. 2012. Handbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3th Edition. New York CRC Press.
  3. Poppy Puspitasari, Material: Klasifikasi, Karakterisasi, dan Nanoteknologi, UM Press, 2015
  4. Noorhana Yahya, Carbon and Oxide Nanostructure, Springer, 2010

Module designation

Advanced Thermodynamics

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable

Termodinamika Lanjut

Courses, if applicable

Energy Conversion Concentration Course

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

Second Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Concentration Course

Type of teaching, contact hours

Attendance, Lecturing, Discussion, Case, Evaluation, Journal Review

Attendance : a maximum of 16 times per semester, a minimum of 13 times per semester

Lecturing    : 68%

Discussion : 68%

Case          : 67%


Evaluation : 19%


Journal Review : 13%


3 credit points x 16 times lecture hours = 48 hours/semester

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Presentation, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Students are able to develop new knowledge and/or technology in specific fields relevant to mechanical systems through rule-abiding research to produce creative, original, and tested works.
  2. Students are able to solve engineering and technology problems in specific fields relevant to mechanical systems through an inter, multi or transdisciplinary approach by taking into account economic factors, public health and safety, cultural, social, environmental, and energy conservation.
  3. Students are able to communicate their thoughts and their work with peer review groups and a wider audience.


The Advanced Thermodynamics course (MTME 811, 3 credits) contains the concepts of thermodynamics and engineering/technology problem solving in terms of thermodynamics, so that students are able to conceptualize, design, and implement them in engineering engineering.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student competency achievement using assignments (projects, discussions, presentations and quizzes), Mid-Semester Examinations and Final Semester Examinations.

Media employed

Power point, video, e-book

Reading list

  1. Y.A Cengel dan M.A Boles. 2006. Thermodymics An Engineering Approach, 8th Edition. India: McGraw Hall 
  2. MJ Moran and HN Saphiro. 2010. Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th Edition. Wiley.
  3. RS. Benson. 1977. Advance Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd Edition. Wiley.

Module designation

Artificial Intelligence

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

1st Semester

Person responsible for the module

Faculty member of Engineering Design group


Faculty member of Engineering Design group


Indonesia (English optional)

Relation to curriculum

Compulsory course

Type of teaching, contact hours

Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar etc.


(Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise, laboratory session, etc.) and private study, including examination preparation, specified in hours and in total.

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Homework, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Computer Programming

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

After following this lecture, students are expected to have: 

  • The main purpose of this course is to provide the most fundamental knowledge to the students so that they can understand what the AI is. 
  • Understand and able to apply evolutionary search, artificial neural network and fuzzy logic in their field of study interest.
  • Understand and able to review current advance in AI development and applications


This course gives rigorous understanding of some topics in searching algorithm especially evolutionary search, machine learning/artificial neural network, approximate reasoning using a fuzzy logic.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student’s competency achievement using assignment (project, homework and quiz), Middle Semester Exam and Semester Exam.

Media employed

Chalkboard, slide presentation, tutorial

Reading list

Artificial Intelligence: a modern approach, S. Russell and P. Norvig, Prentice Hall, ISBN0-13-080302-2

Module designation


Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T


Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Understand the basic principles in biomedical engineering, materials science and chemistry, and how they contribute to the development and performance of biomaterials.
  2. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to the selection and design of biomaterials.
  3.  Critically review papers from the scientific literature and identify areas of research opportunity.


Brief Description of Biomaterial Course (NTMEUM8019, 3 Credits) This course studies the basic principles of biomedical engineering, materials science, and chemistry, through basic materials in biomaterials science, compatibility concepts, psychochemical properties of biomaterials, including mechanical properties, tribology, morphology and texture , physical properties (electric, optical, magnetic, thermic), chemical and biological properties, biointerface phenomena, and biomaterial processing technology.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Software, e-book, power point

Reading list

  1. Park, JB., Bronzino, JD. 2002. Biomaterial: Principles and Applications. CRC Press: Boca Raton
  2. Rutner BD, Hoffman AS, Schoen FJ, Lemons JE, editors. 2004. Biomaterials Science: an Introduction to Materials in Medicine. Boston: Elsevier Academic Press
  3. Severian Dumitriu, Valentin Popa. 2013. Polymeric Biomaterials. CRC Press: Boca Raton
  4. William D. Callister Jr., David G. Rethwisch. 2013. Materials Science and Engineering:  An Introduction -edisi 9.  John Wiley and Sons.

Module designation

Chaotic Mixing

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable

Chaotic Mixing

Courses, if applicable

Energy Conversion Elective Courses

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

Second Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Elective Courses

Type of teaching, contact hours

Attendance, Lecturing, Discussion, Case

Attendance : a maximum of 16 times per semester, a minimum of 13 times per semester

Lecturing    : 50%

Discussion : 87%

Case          : 68%


3 credit points x 16 times lecture hours = 48 hours/semester

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Presentation, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student able to understand the theory of chaotic mixing
  2. Student able to analyze and apply mixing characteristics and chaotic mixing phenomena to the flow
  3. Student able to analyze mixing problems in fluid flow


The Chaotic Mixing course (MTME 826, 3 credits) is an elective course for the master of mechanical engineering which contains chaos theory and fluid dynamics on chaotic mixing of fluid flow. Understanding and reviewing the two combinations of diffusion and advection flow. Fluid flow that uses the Navier-Stokes equation or equations that uses conservation of mass and conservation of momentum.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student competency achievement using assignments (projects, discussions, presentations and quizzes), Mid-Semester Examinations and Final Semester Examinations.

Media employed

Power point, video, e-book

Reading list

Main book:

Kinematics of Mixing Chaos and Transport, Cambridge University Press, J. M. Ottino (1989)


Other references:

  1. Aref, H. (June 1984). “Stirring by chaotic advection”. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 143: 1–21
  2.  Edward Ott (1993). Chaos in Dynamical Systems. Cambridge University Press
  3. J.-L. Thiffeault and M. D. Finn (2006). “Topology, Braids, and Mixing in Fluids”. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.

Module designation

Combustion Technology

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Sukarni, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Sukarni, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Students are able to apply combustion techniques in work in the field of Mechanical Engineering
  2. Students are able to conduct an assessment of the cases they encounter related to combustion techniques
  3. Students are able to publish the results of their studies and research in the field of combustion techniques so that they can be used as references by others
  4. Students are able to communicate and provide information in developing ideas in various media about the application of combustion techniques so that they can be used by the community.


Combustion thermodynamics, combustion kinematics, Flames, formula analysis and calculation of combustion furnaces for gas fuels, combustion in gasoline motors, the phenomenon of spray formation and droplet properties as the main parameters in the construction of fuel injectors, formulas and calculations, combustion tools for liquid fuels, combustion in gas turbine systems, combustion processes in diesel motors, combustion in solid fuels, fixed-bed combustion phenomena.

Module designation

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Courses, if applicable

Energy Conversion Elective Courses

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

Second Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Elective Courses

Type of teaching, contact hours

Attendance, Lecturing, Discussion, Case

Attendance : a maximum of 16 times per semester, a minimum of 13 times per semester

Lecturing    : 62%

Discussion : 87%

Case          : 68%


3 credit points x 16 times lecture hours = 48 hours/semester

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Presentation, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student able to understand the theory of Navier-Stokes/Euler
  2. Student able ble to apply pre-processing, solving and post-processing programs in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
  3. Student able to solve problems using 1D, 2D and 3D numerical methods computationally.


The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) course (MTME 827, 3 credits) is an elective master’s course in mechanical engineering which contains Navier-Stokes/Euler theory which uses numerical analysis and data structures to analyze and solve problems involving fluid flow. Computers are used to perform the necessary calculations as well as to simulate fluid flow, free flow, and fluid interactions with surfaces defined by boundary conditions.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student competency achievement using assignments (projects, discussions, presentations and quizzes), Mid-Semester Examinations and Final Semester Examinations.

Media employed

Power point, video, e-book

Reading list

Main book:

Anderson, John D. (1995). Dinamika Fluida Komputasi: Dasar-Dasar Dengan Aplikasi . Sains / Teknik / Matematika. Sains McGraw-Hill


Other references:

  1. Patankar, Suhas (1980). Transfer Panas Numerik dan Aliran Fluida . Seri Hemisphere tentang Metode Komputasi dalam Mekanika dan Ilmu Termal. Taylor & Francis. 
  2. Wilcox, David C. (2006). Pemodelan Turbulensi untuk CFD (3 ed.). DCW Industries

Module designation

Design Optimization

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Faculty member of design group


Faculty member of design group


Indonesia (English optional)

Relation to curriculum

Elective course for design group

Type of teaching, contact hours

Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar etc.


(Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise, laboratory session, etc.) and private study, including examination preparation, specified in hours, and in total.

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Homework, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

After following this lecture, students are expected to have: 

  1. Model and formulate optimization problems in standard form and assess the optimality of a solution
  2. Use computer applications to determine the optimal solution for unconstrained and constrained nonlinear optimization problems of multiple variables
  3. Determine the advantages and disadvantages of applying different optimization techniques for a specific problem
  4. Model and analyze multiobjective and multidisciplinary optimization problems


This course gives rigorous understanding of optimization problem formulation, constrained and unconstrained problems, classical optimization methods, nature inspired methods, multiobjective optimization, robust and reliability based optimization, surrogate based optimization.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student’s competency achievement using assignment (project, homework and quiz), Middle Semester Exam and Semester Exam.

Media employed

Chalkboard, slide presentation, tutorial

Reading list

  1. Introduction to Optimum Design, Arora, J. S., Elsevier Academic Press, 3rd edition, ISBN 978-0-12-381375-6
  2. Optimization for Engineering Design: Algorithms and Examples, Deb K. 2012. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
  3. Quality Engineering Using Robust Design, M. S. Phadke, Prentice Hall, 1988
  4. Design and Analysis of Experiments, Douglas C. Montgomery, John Wiley and Sons.

A Module Handbook or collection of module descriptions that is also available for students to consult should contain the following information about the individual modules: 

Module designation


Module level, if applicable

2nd year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3rd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Faculty member of Engineering Design group


Faculty member of Engineering Design group


Indonesia (English optional)

Relation to curriculum

Elective course for Engineering Design group

Type of teaching, contact hours

Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar etc.


(Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise, laboratory session, etc.) and private study, including examination preparation, specified in hours, and in total.

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Homework, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Engineering mathematics

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

After following this lecture, students are expected to have: 

understand the elastic behavior of different structural components under various loadings and boundary conditions

has ability to use mathematical knowledge to solve problem related to structural elasticity


This course gives rigorous understanding of some topics in Analysis of stress-strain, two-dimensional calssical elasticity problems (cartesian coordinates), axisymmetric and torsion problems, thermal stress and elastic stability.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student’s competency achievement using assignment (project, homework and quiz), Middle Semester Exam and Semester Exam.

Media employed

Chalkboard, slide presentation, tutorial

Reading list

  1. Timoshenko, S., and Goodier, T.N., “Theory of Elasticity”, McGraw – Hill Ltd., Tokyo, 1990.
  2. Wang, C. T., “Applied Elasticity”, McGraw – Hill Co., New York, 1993.
  3. Ansel C Ugural and Saul K Fenster, “Advanced Strength and Applied Elasticity”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2003.
  4. Barber, J. R., “Elasticity”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004

Module designation

Energy Conversion and Management

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student able to understand the principles of energy conversion and energy management
  2. Student able to solve energy conversion technology problems relevant to mechanical systems through an inter, multi or trans disciplinary approach by taking into account economic factors, public health and safety, cultural, social, environmental, and energy conservation.
  3. Student able to conceptualize, design, and implement energy conversion and management projects in specific fields relevant to mechanical systems



Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Giovanni Petrecca “Energy Conversion and Management: Principles and Applications”, Spinger, 2014 
  2. Kreith F., Goswami Y., “Energy Management and Conservation Handbook”, Taylor & Francis Group, 2008.
  3. Capehart B. L., Turner W.C., Kennedy W.J., Guide to Energy Management, Seventh Edition, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012

Module designation

Energy Conversion Engine Design System and Turbo Engines

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable

Sistem Perancangan Mesin Konversi Energi dan Mesin-Mesin Turbo

Courses, if applicable

Energy Conversion Elective Courses

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

Second Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Elective Courses

Type of teaching, contact hours

Attendance, Lecturing, Discussion, Case

Attendance : a maximum of 16 times per semester, a minimum of 13 times per semester

Lecturing    : 56%

Discussion : 87%

Case          : 68%


3 credit points x 16 times lecture hours = 48 hours/semester

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Presentation, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student able to understand the basics of energy conversion engines and turbo engines
  2. Student able to explain the workings, components and working power of energy conversion engines and turbo engines
  3. Student able to solve problems in considering, designing and selecting Energy Conversion and turbo engines


The Energy Conversion Engine and Turbo Engines Design System course (MTME 828, 3 credits) is an elective mechanical engineering course that contains energy conversion engines, internal combustion motors, external combustion motors, turbines, fluid engines and considerations in designing and choose an energy conversion engine and a turbo engine.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student competency achievement using assignments (projects, discussions, presentations and quizzes), Mid-Semester Examinations and Final Semester Examinations.

Media employed

Power point, video, e-book

Reading list

El Wakil, Power Plant Technology, McGraw-Hill.

  • P.K. NAG, Power Plant Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
  1. Cohen, H., Rogers, G.F.C., Saravanamuttoo, H.I.H., Gas Turbine Theory, Langman Scientific & Technical.

Module designation

Failure Analysis

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd semester

Person responsible for the module

Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, M.T., Ph.D


Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, M.T., Ph.D


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Compulsory Course

Type of teaching, contact hours

lecture, project


144 hours

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Homework, attendance, project

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

Students are able to understand the failure theories on several types of materials

Students are able to analyze and apply the failure theories on several types of materials

Students are to analyze the material failure cases


This course contents the theoretical and practical approach on the failure analysis and material selection concept, understanding on failure model characteristics study, such as caused by overload, operating temperature, stress rupture faiures, ductile-fracture failures, and material failure caused by its environment (corrosion and erosion).

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Individual and group assessment by lecturer

Media employed

Slide presentation, video, e-book, youtube, and other online media

Reading list

ASM, Failures Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 10 Metal Handbook, Ohio, 44073

Wulpi, D.J. 2013. Understanding How Components Fail 3th Edition. ASM International.

Brooks, David. 1992. Metallurgical Failure Analysis 1st Edition. McGraw-Hill.

Fellows, J.A (Ed). 1992. Fractography and Atlas Fractography, Metal Handbook, 9th Ed, Vol. 12. ASM International.

Module designation

Finite Element Method

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Andoko, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Andoko, S.T., M.T.



Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Able to explain the basic concepts of Finite Element Method: understanding of Finite Element Method, History of Finite Element Method, Application of Finite Element Method.
  2. Able to explain basic procedures using the Finite Element Method.
  3. Able to apply the basic procedures of the Finite Element Method in machining problems.
  4. Able to calculate deformation (deflection) and the forces that work on machining problems.
  5. Able to validate manual calculations using software based on the Finite Element Method



Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Zienkiewicz, O. C. “The Finite Element Method”. London: Mc. Graw-Hill
  2. Saeed Moeveni. “Finite Element Analysis”. Prentice-Hall. 1999

Module designation

Fracture Mechanics

Module level, if applicable

1st  year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Faculty member of Engineering Design group


Faculty member of Engineering Design group



Relation to curriculum

Elective course for engineering design group

Type of teaching, contact hours

Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar etc.


(Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise, laboratory session, etc.) and private study, including examination preparation, specified in hours and in total.

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Homework, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Engineering mathematics

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

After following this lecture, students are expected to have: 

Students understand the concept of crack mechanics in general, namely the mechanism of fracture and crack growth, stress analysis at the crack tip, plastic area at the crack tip, the principle of energy: energy release rate, criteria for crack propagation, resilience, J-Integral, fracture toughness, and fatigue crack propagation.


  1. Understanding crack mechanics, the concept of material mechanics with fracture mechanics, crack mechanism and crack growth.
  2. Stress intensity factor and stress at the crack tip.
  3. Plastic area at the crack tip, Principle of energy, and rate of energy release.
  4. Criteria for crack propagation and resilience analysis.
  5. J-Integral and fracture toughness.
  6. Fatigue crack propagation.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student’s competency achievement using assignment (project, homework and quiz), Middle Semester Exam and Semester Exam.

Media employed

Chalkboard, slide presentation, tutorial

Reading list

  1. Broek, D. 1982. Elementary engineering Fracture Mechanics. Springer Netherlands.
  2. Ralph I. Stephens, Ali Fatemi, Robert R. Stephens, Henry O. Fuchs. Metal Fatigue in Engineering, 2nd Edition.
  3. Stanley T. Rolfe. Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structure (Application of Fracture Mechanics).
  4. Ugural, Ansel C. 2008. Mechanics of Materials. Jhon Wiley & Sons Inc.
  5. Beaufait, Fred. W. 1978. Basic Concepts of Structural Analysis, Yohn Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  6. Dayaraunan, Pasala 1976. Analysis of Statically Determinate Structures, East West Press Put. LTD, New Delhi.


Module designation

Fatigue Failure Analysis

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Faculty member of Engineering design group


Faculty member of Engineering design group



Relation to curriculum

Elective course for engineering design group

Type of teaching, contact hours

Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar etc.


(Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise, laboratory session, etc.) and private study, including examination preparation, specified in hours, and in total.

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Homework, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

After following this lecture, students are expected to have: 

  1. Mampu memahami teori kegagalan pada berbagai jenis material
  2. Mampu menganalisa dan menerapkan teori kegagalan pada berbagai jenis material
  3. Mampu menganalisa kasus kegagalan material


This course gives rigorous understanding of kelelahan/fatigue pada material, jenis-jenis pembebanan pada material dan siklus pembebanan yang terjadi pada material, penyebab dan contoh kasus pada kelelahan logam, kurva S-N pada low cycle fatigue dan high cycle fatigue, serat perhitungan umur komponen (engineering life assessment).

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student’s competency achievement using assignment (project, homework and quiz), Middle Semester Exam and Semester Exam.

Media employed

Chalkboard, slide presentation, tutorial

Reading list

  1. ASM, Failures Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 10 Metal Handbook, Ohio, 44073
  2. Wulpi, D.J., Understanding How Components Fail?, ASM, 1988
  3. Brooks, David., Metallurgical Failure Analysis
  4. Fellows, J.A (Ed), Fractography and Atlas Fractography, Metal Handbook, 9th Ed, Vol. 12, ASM, 1992.


Module designation

Fracture Computational

Module level, if applicable

2nd year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3rd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Faculty member of Engneering design group


Faculty member of Engineering design group



Relation to curriculum

Elective course for engineering design group

Type of teaching, contact hours

Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar etc.


(Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise, laboratory session, etc.) and private study, including examination preparation, specified in hours, and in total.

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Homework, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Finite element methods

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

After following this lecture, students are expected to have: 

  1. Mengembangkan pengetahuan Dasar Mekanika Retakan Pembebanan dan Tegangan
  2. Menghitung dan Menjelaskan Kekuatan Suatu Meterial
  3. Memahami Mekanisme Pembentukan dan Penjalaran Retakan
  4. Menganalisis Mekanisme Kegagalan Fatik
  5. Mampu membaca Kurva S-N dan Hubungan Fracture Toughness terhadap Kekuatan Material
  6. Memahami Jenis-jenis dan Pola Patahan


This course gives rigorous understanding of mekanika retakan tingkat lanjut yang berhubungan dengan Intensitas tegangan, K1, dan KC, dll

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student’s competency achievement using assignment (project, homework and quiz), Middle Semester Exam and Semester Exam.

Media employed

Chalkboard, slide presentation, tutorial, case studies

Reading list

  1. Fourth Edition-Fracture Mechanics (Fundamentasls and applications)-T.L Anderson (2012)
  2. Elementary Engieering Fracture Mechanics – Martinus Nijhoff (2010)

Module designation

Intermolecular Forces

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Prof. Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Prof. Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course report (40%), mid semester exam (30%), and end semester exam (30%)

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

1.Students can understand the concepts of intermolecular forces.

2.Students are able to understand the hydrophilic and hydrophobic phenomena of a material

3.Students are able to understand the concept of interfaces and surface energy

4. Students are able to understand the phenomenon of adhesion and wetness of a material

5.Students are able to understand the technique of measuring surface and intermolecular forces


This course is to study the concepts and intermolecular forces that occur in materials, and material interfaces through hydrophilic and hydrophobic phenomena, adhesion and wetness phenomena, friction and lubrication phenomena as well as methods for measuring surface and intermolecular forces.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

1.Jacob N. Israelachvili. Intermolecular and Surface Forces, 2011, 3rd edition.  Elsevier Inc

2.B. V. Derjaguin,   N. V. Churaev,  V. M. Muller. Surface Forces. Springer

3.Hans-Jürgen Butt, Michael Kappl. 2010. Surface and Interfacial Forces. Wiley VCH

4.John A. Venables. 2000. Introduction to Surface and Thin Film Processes. Cambride University Press

5.Kim and Yiu-Wing, Mai. 1998. Engineered interfaces in fiber reinforced composites. Amsterdam, Elsevier

Module designation

Manufacturing Design

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Elective Course

Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, project


144 hours

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Attendance, homework

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

    1. Students are able to demonstrate the process and system design in manufacturing by involving basic concepts of various manufacturing activities including operation, material transfer and storage, automatic data capture, manufacturing systems, assembly.
  • Students have the understanding in product design and making by utilizing CAD and CAM.
  • Students perform the analysis in manufacturing design and control widely applied in industry.



This course contains the problem-solving of technological and engineering aspects in manufacturing systems such as manufacturing process, material handling, material inventory, inspection, and modern manufacturing system concepts, therefore, the students will be able to conceptualize, design, and implement them in the engineering field. 

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Individual and group assessment by lecturer

Media employed

Slide presentation, e-book, video, youtube, and other online media

Reading list

Askin, Ronald G. and Standridge, Charles R. Modeling and Analysis of Manufacturing Systems, John Wiley & Sons, 1993.

Bedworth, David. et.all,. Integrated Production, Control Systems: Management, Analysis , And Design, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001.

Groover, Michael P. Automation, Production Systems, and Computer Aided Manufacturing, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall Inc., London, 2001.

Askin, Ronald G. and Goldberg, Jeffery B.. Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2001.

Kusiak, Andrew. Computational Intellligent in Design and Manufacturing, John Wiley 7 Sons, New York, 2000.

Regh, James A., and Kraebber, Henry W. Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001

Module designation

Manufacturing Systems

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Elective Course

Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, project


144 hours

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Attendance, homework

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student are able to understand the mind set on analyzing manufacturing system
  2. Students are able to analyze the manufacturing system models


Product development strategy, mass production, lean manufacturing, traditional manufacturing system, economical aspect of system design, business model for global manufacturing, IT-based business structures, multi agent andholonic system on manufacturing, integrated manufacturing design and assembly process.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Individual and group assessment by lecturer

Media employed

Slide presentation, e-book, video, youtube, and other online media, Festo Fluidsim, OMRON Kit

Reading list

John Priest, Jose Sanchez ,  2001, Product Development and Design for Manufacturing, John Willey & Sons, New York 

Lonnie Wilson, 2009, How To Implement Lean Manufacturing, McGraw-Hill Professional, New York

Jeffrey Liker, 2003, The Toyota Way, McGraw-Hill

Adrien Bécue, Nora Cuppens-Boulahia, Frédéric Cuppens, Sokratis Katsikas, Costas Lambrinoudakis,  2015 , Security of Industrial Control Systems and Cyber Physical Systems: First Workshop,  Springer International

Jie Zhang, 2016, Multi-Agent-based Production Planning and Control, John Wiley&Sons

Module designation

Mechatronics and Industrial Automation

Module level, if applicable

2nd year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3rd semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Elective Course

Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, project


144 hours

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Attendance, homework

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Explain the automation system basic concept
  2. Explain programmable Logic Control (PLC) concept
  3. Create PLC program
  4. Explain robotic concept
  5. Explain types and function of End Effector
  6. Explain robotic control system
  7. Design and program robot for industrial purposes


Automation system concept, device and control and PLC, model and design of robotic

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Individual and group assessment by lecturer

Media employed

Slide presentation, e-book, video, youtube, and other online media, Festo Fluidsim, OMRON Kit

Reading list

Asfahl Ray C. 1992. Robots and Manufacturing Automation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.United States of America.

Darf Richard C. Kusiak Andrew. Handbook of Design Manufacturing and Automation, Wiley Interscience. 1994.

Mittal, R. K. and Nagrath, I.J., Robotics and control. McGraw-Hill

Pitowarno, Endra. 2007. Robotika: Desain, Kontrol, Dan Kecerdasan Buatan. Andi offset

Auslander David M. 1997. Mechatronics: A Design And Implementation Methodology For Real Time Control Software. California. Mechanical Engineering Department University Of California. Berkeley

Module designation

Advanced Material Characterization

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D


Rr. Poppy Puspitasari. S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Students are able to learn material characterization by reverse engineering method
  2. Students are able to study the characterization of materials at the atomic level
  3. Students understand characterization using plasma, sputtering, neutrons, and other advanced methods


This course studies several methods of characterization and identification of materials to perform, among others, the reverse engineering process or the development of new materials. The characterization includes testing of the material properties required for the working conditions experienced, then equipped with analysis with several more sophisticated methods such as metallographic techniques, optical and x-ray spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy, classical chemical methods, resonance methods, diffraction methods, methods of electron optics, electron or x-ray spectroscopy, methods based on sputtering or scattering phenomena, chromatography, and other advanced methods that are developing all the time.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Software, e-book, power point

Reading list

  1. ASM Handbook, Material Characterization 
  2. William A. Goddard III, et.al. 2012. Handbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3th Edition. New York CRC Press.
  3. Poppy Puspitasari, Material: Klasifikasi, Karakterisasi, dan Nanoteknologi, UM Press, 2015
  4. Noorhana Yahya, Carbon and Oxide Nanostructure, Springer, 2010

Module designation

Numerical Analysis Method

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

1st  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Sukarni, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Sukarni, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

1. Student be able to explain the definition of numerical analysis and numerical methods, true values, and the level of accuracy and error in calculations with numerical solutions.

2. Student be able to solve the root of equation problems using the bisection method, the false regulation method, the newton raphson method, the secant method, and the direct method.

3. Student be able to solve linear equations simultaneously by using the elimination method, namely Gaussian elimination and Gauss Jordan elimination, as well as knowing the weaknesses and advantages of both methods.

4. Student be able to solve linear equations simultaneously using the iteration method, namely Gauss Siedel iteration and Jacob iteration, as well as knowing the weaknesses and strengths of both methods.

5. Student be able to solve linear equations simultaneously using the LU (Lower-Upper) decomposition method and know the weaknesses and strengths of the method.

6. Student be able to explain the Lagrange and Newton Gregory interpolation methods to solve discrete data interpolation equations.

7. Student be able to explain least squares regression method to formulate curve fitting equations for linear, non-linear, and polynomial.

8. Student be able to explain the Euler method, modified Euler, and range-kutta to solve ordinary differential equations.

9. Student be able to explain explicit and implicit schemes to solve partial differential equations, as well as know the strengths and weaknesses of the two methods.

10. Student be able to explain elliptical equations to solve partial differential equations


Mathematics 3 course or numerical analysis (MTDK 801, 3 credits) This course is to develop students’ analytical skills using advanced engineering mathematical concepts in solving engineering problems, which include: first-order, second-order, and higher-order differential equations; partial differential equations, Laplace transform; solving differential equations using the Laplace transform; solutions to partial differential equations. functions, boundary values, and series.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Software, e-book, power point

Reading list

  1. Chapra, Steven C dan Canale, Raymod P. 1991. Numerical Methods for Engineers with Personal Computer Application. McGraw-Hill Book Company.
  2. Munir, Rinaldi. 2013. Metode Numerik. Bandung: Informatika Bandung.
  3. Mathews, Johh. H. 1993. Numerical Method for Mathematics, Science and Engineering, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall International.

Module designation


Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3rd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D


Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Students understand various catalysts from nanomaterials
  2. Students understand the application of nanocatalysts
  3. Students able to analyze the characterization of nanocatalysts


This course provides an explanation of catalysts in general and the basic differences between catalysts and nanocatalysts, types of catalysts and their supports, the process of synthesizing nanocatalysts on supports, characterizing nanocatalysts and analyzing their results, as well as the application of nanocatalysts in industry and in mechanical engineering.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Poppy Puspitasari, Sintesis Nanomaterial, UM Press, 2017
  2. Poppy Puspitasari, Material: Klasifikasi, Karakterisasi, dan Nanoteknologi, UM Press, 2015
  3. Noorhana Yahya, Carbon and Oxide Nanostructure, Springer, 2010

Module designation


Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3rd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Aminnudin, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

1. Student able to explain the process of manufacturing metal powders mechanically.

2. Student able to explain the process of manufacturing metal powders by chemical processes.

3.Student able to explain the manufacturing process of nano natural fiber.


This course discusses the transition of nano-technology to nanomanufacturing, measuring the geometry of nanostructures, measuring the composition of nanostructures, non-lithographic techniques for nanostructures from thin films and bulk surfaces, synthesis of carbon nanotubes into fabricated nanostructures, micro and nano machining, experimental design in nano technology innovation.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Cerofilini, G.F. Nanoscale Devices. 2009. Springer.
  2. Saka, Masumi. Metallic Micro and Nano Materials. Fabrication and Atomic Diffusion. 2011. Springer.
  3. Dornfeld, D, Lee D. E., 2008, Precision Manufacturing, New York, Springer Science+Business Media

Module designation

Oxide Material

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D


Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.Pd., M.T., Ph.D


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Students understand the various types of oxide material synthesis
  2. Students able to synthesize oxide materials
  3. Students able to analyze the characterization of oxide materials


This course studies about oxide materials (oxide materials) accompanied by examples of fiber usage, the ability to synthesize oxide materials and the characterization of oxide materials to determine the phase, material index, elemental content, morphology and properties of oxide materials. Physical, mechanical, magnetic and electrical properties of oxide materials.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Poppy Puspitasari, Sintesis Nanomaterial, UM Press, 2017
  2. Poppy Puspitasari, Material: Klasifikasi, Karakterisasi, dan Nanoteknologi, UM Press, 2015
  3. Noorhana Yahya, Carbon and Oxide Nanostructure, Springer, 2010

Module designation

Rekayasa Nanoteknologi

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

1st  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Prof. Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Prof. Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Mastering the philosophy of nanotechnology engineering science and its implications in the field of advanced materials.
  2. Have broad and comprehensive insight into research methodology in the field of nanotechnology engineering and its implications
  3. Have broad and comprehensive insight into the development of the world of nanotechnology, including its various problems, and its implications for Indonesia in the future.
  4. Mastering the basic principles of nanotechnology (concepts, principles, laws, and theories)
  5. Mastering the nature, principles, and assessment techniques in nanotechnology engineering.



Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Pradeep. 2007. Nano the Essentials. Understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Tata

Mc-Graw Hill Publishing Company.

  1. William A. Goddard III, et.al. 2012. Handbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 3th Edition. New York CRC Press.
  2. Yury Gogotsi. 2006. Carbon Nanomaterials. CRC Press

Module designation

Syntesis Nanomaterial

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.


Rr. Poppy Puspitasari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

Student are able to understand bottom up and top down nanomaterial fabrication

Student are able to understand the characterization of bottom up and top down synthesized nanomaterials


This course studies and produces nanomaterial products by applying top-down and bottom-up synthesis processes. Top-down synthesis process consists of ball milling process, bottom-up synthesis process consists of sol-gel, co-precipitation, sonochemical process, and hydrothermal synthesis.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Puspitasari, P. 2016. Sintesis Nanomaterial. UM Press
  2. Murty, B.S., Shankar, P., Raj, B., Rath, B.B., Murday, J. 2013. Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Springer
  3. Chetna Dhand, Neeraj Dwivedi, Xian Jun Loh, Alice Ng Jie Ying, Navin Kumar Verma,ad Roger W. Beuerman, Rajamani Lakshminarayanan and Seeram Ramakrishna. Methods and strategies for the synthesis of diverse nanoparticles and their applications: a comprehensive overview. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 105003

Module designation

Nano Solar Energy Harvesting

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Sukarni, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Sukarni, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

Students are able to plan the manufacture of solar collectors and a problem related to solar radiation technology, monthly average radiation, heat transfer analysis, radiation transmission through glass, overall heat transfer coefficient, both with individual and group performance in teamwork.


This course studies the sun as an energy source, calculation of solar radiation, special analysis of heat transfer in solar energy, calculation of radiation transmission through glass, and calculations on flat plate collectors.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Duffie J.A. dan Beckman W.A., 2013. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes Fourth Edition., New Jersey. John Wiley & Son, Inc.
  2. Incropera, Frank D, 2007. Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
  3. Cengel, Yunus A, 2007. Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 5th ed, Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Module designation

Nanocoating and Thin Film

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T


Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student able to understand the principle of nanocoating,
  2. Student able to understand and explain polymer, metal, ceramic coatings
  3. Student able to perform analysis on nanocoating
  4. Student able to understand the basic theory of deposition
  5. Student able to explain the method for producing thin film
  6. Student able to explain techniques to characterize thin films


Nanocoating and Thin Film (3 credits) courses are aimed at providing skills and abilities to make thesis research proposals so that they can be held in seminars.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Software, e-book, power point

Reading list

  1. Stefen Abbot, Nigel Holmes. 2013. Nanocoatings: Principles and Practice. 
  2. Feng Shi. 2012. CERAMIC COATINGS – APPLICATIONS IN ENGINEERING. Rijeka: In Tech Publishing
  3. Donald L. Smith, 2001. Thin Film Deposition: Principles and Practice, McGrawHill, Singapore, 2001. 
  4. Konuma Mitsuharu. 2005. Plasma techniques for film deposition, , Alpha Science, Harrow, UK, c2005. 
  5. John A. Venables, 2000. Introduction to surface and thin film processes / Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c2000. 
  6. Fenge Gao. 2012. Advances in Polymer Nanocomposites. Woodhead Publishing.

Module designation


Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student able to explain the meaning of composites and nanocomposites.
  2. Student able to explain the type, characterization and properties of nanocomposites
  3. Student able to explain the preparation, structure and application of polymer matrix-based nanocomposites with polymer reinforcement, ceramics, metal, carbon nanotubes
  4. Student able to explain the preparation, structure, and application of ceramic/metal nanocomposite systems
  5. Student able to explain the meaning, synthesis of nanocomposites from nature
  6. Student able to explain the preparation, properties and applications of rubber nanocomposites
  7. Student able to explain the preparation, properties and applications of nanocomposite dyes



Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Ajayan, P.M., Schadler, L. S., Braun, P.,V.  Nanocomposite Science and Technology, Wiley VCH, 2003. 
  2. Bhushan, B. editor: Handbook of Nanotechnology. Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2004. 
  3. Nalwa, H. S. editor: Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. American Scientific Publisher, 2004.
  4. Gurses, A. Introduction to Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites; CRC Press, 2016.
  5. Thomas S. and Stephen R. Rubber Nanocomposite. John Wiley and Sons. 2010.
  6. Mittal, V. Polymer Nanotube Nanocomposite. John Wiley and Sons. 2010. 
  7. Mai, YW., Yu, Z.Z. Polymer Nanocomposite. CRC Press. 2006.

Module designation


Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3rd and 4th Semester

Person responsible for the module

Prof. Dr. Andoko, S.T., M.T.


Prof. Dr. Andoko, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course report (40%), mid semester exam (30%), and end semester exam (30%)

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

Students are able to understand, analyze, and apply the theory of plasticity in the construction field.


Plasticity is the inability of an object to return to its original shape after the external force applied is lost. Definition of Advertisement Strain.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Dixit, Prakash Mahadeo, and Uday S. Dixit. Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications. CRC press, 2014.
  2. Starovoitov, Eduard, and Faig Bakhman Ogli Naghiyev. Foundations of the theory of elasticity, plasticity, and viscoelasticity. CRC Press, 2012.

Module designation

Production Management

Module level, if applicable

2nd  year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3rd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Faculty member of manufacturing group


Faculty member of manufacturing group


Indonesia (English optional)

Relation to curriculum

Elective course for manufacturing group

Type of teaching, contact hours

Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar etc.


(Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise, laboratory session, etc.) and private study, including examination preparation, specified in hours, and in total.

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Homework, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Engineering mathematics

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

After following this lecture, students are expected to have: 

  1. Students are able to explain the definition, objectives and potential conflicts in production management
  2. Students are able to design input, process and output transformation systems in production systems
  3. Students are able to calculate and analyze the level of productivity in each company
  4. Students are able to apply and design models for the development of operating strategies for each company
  5. Students are able to explain the steps of making the decision process in production management
  6. Students are able to design and develop new products
  7. Students are able to system maintenance facilities and material handling (material handling)
  8. Students are able to understand the importance of HR development planning and strategy, skilled in job design, and able to analyze labor standards
  9. Students are able to understand the basic principles in determining the location of production facilities
  10. Students are able to design and create factory layouts to optimize production
  11. Students are able to make a Bill of Materials for planning certain material requirements and the production process
  12. Students are able to calculate capacity requirements and break even points
  13. Students are able to understand the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) inventory management method
  14. Students are able to understand about casting to make a product that is in accordance with the wishes of the market
  15. Students are able to understand about quality management


This course gives rigorous understanding of some topics in supply chain structure, management knowledge, design considerations, production process model morphology, material properties and engineering, metalworking theory, production process classification, mass conversing solid material process, mass reducing solid material process, joining process solid material, powder metallurgy, liquid material casting process, plastic production and forming process, unconventional production process, and production system management.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student’s competency achievement using assignment (project, homework and quiz), Middle Semester Exam and Semester Exam.

Media employed

Chalkboard, slide presentation, tutorial

Reading list

  1. Render,B & Heizer,J. “Prinsip-Prinsip Manajemen Operasi”. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001.
  2. Adam, E.E. & Ebert, R.J. “Production & Operation Management”. 5th.; Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1992.
  3. Aquilano, Nicholas J., Richard B. Chase & Mark M. Davis. “Fundamentals of Operations Management”. Richard D.Irwin Inc., 1995.
  4. Delmar, Donald. “Operation & Industrial Management Designing and Managing for Productivity”. Mac Graw-Hill Book Co., New York, 1985.
  5. Kumar, S. Anil & Suresh, N. “Production & Operation Management”. New Age International (P) Limited, Publishers. New Delhi

Module designation

Production Process Design Optimization

Module level, if applicable

1st year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd semester

Person responsible for the module

Faculty member of manufacturing group


Faculty member of manufacturing group


Indonesia (English optional)

Relation to curriculum

Elective course for manufacturing group

Type of teaching, contact hours

Contact hours and class size separately for each teaching method: lecture, lesson, practical, project, seminar etc.


(Estimated) workload, divided into contact hours (lecture, exercise, laboratory session, etc.) and private study, including examination preparation, specified in hours, and in total.

Credit points


Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Homework, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

After following this lecture, students are expected to have: 

  1. The main purpose of this course is to provide the most fundamental knowledge to the students so that they can understand and implement optimization in manufacturing processes. 
  2. Understand and able to handle uncertain quantity in optimization.
  3. Provide understanding for studying problems that involve optimization under uncertainty.
  4. Present theory for solutions to such problems.
  5. Present algorithms to solve these problems.


This course gives rigorous understanding of optimization problem formulation, quality engineering in manufacturing product, uncertainty analysis, quality loss function, S/N ratio as robustness index, design of experiments, fractional factorial design, crossed array experimental design, robust optimization, analysis of variance.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student’s competency achievement using assignment (project, homework and quiz), Middle Semester Exam and Semester Exam.

Media employed

Chalkboard, slide presentation, tutorial

Reading list

  1. Quality Engineering: Off-Line Methods and Applications, Chao-Ton Su, 2013 by CRC Press.Engineering
  2. Quality Engineering Using Robust Design, M. S. Phadke, Prentice Hall, 1988
  3. Methods for Robust Product Design, W.Y. Fowlkes and C.M. Creveling, Addison Wesley, 1995
  4. Design and Analysis of Experiments, Douglas C. Montgomery, John Wiley and Sons.

Module designation

Research Methodology

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

1st Semester

Person responsible for the module

Prof. Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Prof. Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course report (40%), mid semester exam (30%), and end semester exam (30%)

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student able to explain the role of philosophy in the development of science
  2. Student able to explain the steps of scientific research,
  3. Student able to explain the identification of problems and determining the focus of the problem,
  4. Student able to browse past research through scientific publications, journals or scientific works and write state of the art research
  5. Student able to do a literature review,
  6. Student able to formulate hypotheses
  7. Student understand research ethics and how to avoid plagiarism
  8. Student able to explain the types of research
  9. Student able to determine variables, design and design,
  10. Student able to explain data collection techniques and analysis.
  11. Student able to make research proposals.


This course provides an overview of contemporary industrial and scientific development trends in the fields of energy, materials, manufacturing, and design, and also provides the ability to apply the scientific method, create research roadmaps, make proposals and scientific journal articles through strengthening research concepts and scientific methods, sampling, instruments and collection, and analysis and drawing conclusions. In addition, techniques for writing proposals and reports are also given, as well as writing international journal articles.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

1.Bairaqi, V, and Munot, M.V. 2019. Research Methodology, New York: Taylor and Franchis Group

2.Singh, Y.K. 2006. Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistic. New Delhi: New Age International

3. Kothari,C.R. 2009. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age International

Module designation

Thermal Conversion of Solid Fuels

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Sukarni, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Sukarni, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Students are able to apply solid fuel combustion techniques in work in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
  2. Students are able to conduct an assessment of cases they encounter related to solid fuel combustion techniques
  3. Students are able to publish the results of their studies and research in the field of solid fuel combustion techniques so that they can be used as references by others who need it.
  4. Students are able to communicate and provide information and develop ideas in various media regarding the application of solid fuel combustion techniques so that they can be used by the public.


HC fuel combustion process, Solid fuel properties, Stoichiometric calculations, Heat release in combustion, Equilibrium combustion composition, Flame temperature, Combustion system efficiency, Solid fuel combustion behavior, Coal combustion technology, Mechanism of fly ash and buildup, emissions of the combustion system

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. G.L. Borman, K.W. Ragland, Combustion Engineering, McGraw Hill, International edition, New York, 1998.
  2. J.B. Heywood, International Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw Hill, International edition, New York, 1988.
  3. Stephen R. Turns, An Introduction to Combustion, McGraw Hill series second edition, Singapore, 2000
  4. Kenneth K. Kuo, 1986, Principle of Combustion, Jhon Wiley & Sons, Canada 
  5. Yunus A Cengel, Michael A Boles, 2015, Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach, McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN 978-0-07-339817-4, New York.
  6. Stephen R. Turns, 1996, An Introduction to Combustion : Concepts and Applications, McGraw-Hill Book Co, ISBN 0071147837, Singapore
  7. F. El-Mahallawy, S. El-Din Habik, 2002, Fundamental and Technology of Combustion, Elsevier Science Ltd,ISBN 00804365, UK

Module designation


Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable

MTME 810

Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

2nd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student able to develop new knowledge and/or technology in specific fields relevant to fluid dynamics, including diffusion, drag coefficient, boundary layer, and flow phenomena.
  2. Student able to understand hot fluid and mass transfer on flat plate, natural convection, inviscid flow, and flow reactor.
  3. Student able to solve engineering and technological problems in specific relevant fields in the field of thermofluid.
  4. Student able to communicate thoughts and the results of his work with groups of experts in the field (peer review) and a wider audience



Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Retno Wulandari. 2017. Hand out Mekanika Fluida. Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Malang.
  2. Streeter. Tt. Fluid Mechanics. McGraw Hill.
  3. Munson, B.R., Young, D.F., dan Okiishi, T.H. 2013. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. 7th Edition. John Wiley & Sons.
  4. Giles. Tt. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics. Schaum.ASE.McGraw Hill.
  5. Yunus Cengel, John Cimbala. 2013. Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications. McGraw Hill Science.
  6. Nekrasov. Tt. Hydraulics. Peace Publisher.
  7. Donald. Tt. Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics. John Wiley.
  8. Fox, Robet W; Mc. Donald, Alan T. 1994.  Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 4th Edition. John Willey & Sons, Inc.
  9. Hughes, W.F. Brighton, J.A. Brighton. 1967.  Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Fluid Dynamics. Schaum’s Outline Series.
  10. White, F.M. 2003.  Fluid Mechanics, 2nd Edition.  New York: Mc.Graw-Hill.
  11. Gerhart, P. M. dan Gross, R. J. 1985. Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. USA: Addison-Wesley.
  12. Welty, James, Charles E. Wicks, Robert E. Wilson, and Gregory L. Rorrer. 2000. Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer. 4th ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 
  13. Incropera, Frank P., and David P. DeWitt. 2000. Introduction to Heat and Mass Transfer. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.

Module designation

Thesis Seminar

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3rd  Semester

Person responsible for the module

Prof. Dr. Andoko


Prof. Dr. Andoko


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


9 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM


Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course

report (40%), mid semester exam (25%), and end semester exam


Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Student able to identify problems and formulate problems,
  2. Student able to make a literature review,
  3. Student able to make state of the art research
  4. Student able to make research conceptual designs
  5. Student able to use the reference manager application
  6. Student able to check plagiarism online/software
  7. Student able to produce a thesis research proposal.
  8. Student able to conduct a thesis research proposal seminar


Thesis Proposal Seminar Course (2 credits) This course emphasizes the completion of thesis by students by making a Thesis proposal in accordance with the rules of writing scientific papers that apply to conducting a Thesis proposal seminar under the guidance of a competent lecturer.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

  1. Walliman, N. 2006. Research Methods, New York: Rouletge
  2. Singh, Y.K. 2006. Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistic. New Delhi: New Age International

Module designation

Seminar Usulan Tesis

Module level, if applicable


Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable


Courses, if applicable


Semester(s) in which the module is taught

3rd Semester

Person responsible for the module

Prof. Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Prof. Dr. Heru Suryanto, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum


Type of teaching, contact hours

Lecture, Project


6 hours

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Minimum attendance at lectures is 80% (according to UM regulation). Final score is evaluated based on assignment and practical course report (40%), mid semester exam (30%), and end semester exam (30%)

Recommended prerequisites


Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

1.Mampu mengidentifikasi permasalahan dan dan merumuskan masalah,

2.Mampu membuat review pustaka, 

3.Mampu membuat state of the art penelitian

4.Mampu membuat desain konseptual penelitian 

5.Mampu menggunakan aplikasi manajer referensi 

6.Mampu melakukan pengecekan plagiasi secara online/software

7.Mampu menghasilkan proposal penelitian tesis. 

8.Melaksanakan seminar usulan penelitian tesis


Matakuliah ini untuk menekankan penyelesaian Tesis oleh mahasiswa dengan membuat proposal Tesis yang sesuai dengan kaidah penulisan karya ilmiah yang berlaku sampai melakukan seminar proposal Tesis dibawah pembimbingan dosen yang kompeten

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Quiz, Assignments, Review Paper and Practical Test

Media employed

Writing on Board, power point, movie, articles/papers, e-book

Reading list

1.Walliman, N. 2006. Research Methods, New York: Rouletge

2.Singh, Y.K. 2006. Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistic. New Delhi: New Age International

Module designation

Transport Phenomena

Module level, if applicable

2nd year

Code, if applicable


Subtitle, if applicable

Fenomena Transport

Courses, if applicable

Energy Conversion Concentration Course

Semester(s) in which the module is taught

Third Semester

Person responsible for the module

Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Dr. Retno Wulandari, S.T., M.T.


Indonesian Language (Bahasa)

Relation to curriculum

Concentration Course

Type of teaching, contact hours

Attendance, Lecturing, Discussion, Case, Evaluation, Journal Review

Attendance : a maximum of 16 times per semester, a minimum of 13 times per semester

Lecturing    : 62%

Discussion : 68%

Case          : 57%


Evaluation : 19%


Journal Review : 13%


3 credit points x 16 times lecture hours = 48 hours/semester

Credit points

Requirements according to the examination regulations

Mid semester exam, Semester exam, Project, Presentation, Quizzes

Recommended prerequisites

Module objectives/intended learning outcomes

  1. Students are able to solve simple 1D diffusion equations, heat conduction or fluid flow problems using transport equations.
  2. Students are able to understand conservation laws and constitutive equations that apply to convective and diffusive (or viscous) transport of mass, heat, and momentum.
  3. Students are able to solve engineering and technology problems in specific relevant fields in the field of transport phenomena.
  4. Students are able to communicate their thoughts and work with peer review groups and a wider audience.


Transport Phenomenon Course (MTME 830, 3 credits) This course studies and analyzes phenomena that occur in the transfer of momentum, energy, and mass in an engineering material through the topics of viscous material behavior, mass diffusivity theory, phenomena of temperature distribution, velocity, concentration in flow laminar and turbulent.

Study and examination requirements and forms of examination

Assessment of student competency achievement using assignments (projects, discussions, presentations and quizzes), Mid-Semester Examinations and Final Semester Examinations.

Media employed

Power point, video, e-book

Reading list

Utama : 

  1. Welty, James, Charles E. Wicks, Robert E. Wilson, and Gregory L. Rorrer. 2000. Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat, and Mass Transfer. 4th ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc. 
  2. Poirier, D. R., and G. H. Geiger. 1994. Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing. Warrendale, PA: TMS.
  3. Incropera, Frank P., and David P. DeWitt. 2000. Introduction to Heat and Mass Transfer. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
