The realization of the S1 Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program as a center of excellence and a reference in the delivery of education for educational personnel and the development and application of science and technology for mechanical engineering education.
- Organizing superior mechanical engineering vocational education personnel.
- Carrying out research and development of science and technology in the field of mechanical engineering vocational education.
- Providing assistance to the community in developing and improving the quality of the implementation of mechanical engineering vocational education and improving welfare in general.
- Establish cooperation with various parties to improve the quality and performance of study programs.
- Empowering alumni in order to increase the role and image of the study program.
- Building a healthy study program organization based on the principles of autonomy, accountability, accreditation, and sustainable self-evaluation.
- Producing superior undergraduate (S1) graduates in the field of mechanical engineering education with specialization in production mechanical engineering education expertise who have the competence and authority as novice teachers at relevant Vocational High Schools (SMK) and / or as instructors at other mechanical engineering vocational training institutions .
- Produce research findings and development of science and technology in the field of mechanical engineering vocational education.
- Providing assistance to SMKs in order to improve the quality of their education delivery, and to society in general in order to improve welfare.
- Organizing cooperation with various parties in the context of developing and implementing education, research, and community service.
- Improve the role and image of the study program through creating a data-base and empowering alumni.
- Organizing study program management based on the principles of autonomy, accountability, accreditation, and self-evaluation on an ongoing basis.