Technical guidelines for implementing the online Thesis exam during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Students who have received exam acc from the supervisor
- Students have submitted draft articles to the person in charge of the department
- Students have received 20% plagiarism free
- Students submit a letter to get an examiner (blank on the major website)
- Koorprodi gives the name of the examiner to the students.
- Students contact the examiner and agree on the hours and days of the exam to make a letter of assignment by the department admin.
- Students prepare an assessment form + revision + minutes to be sent to each examiner (blank on the department website)
- Students and examiners agree on the application that will be used for the online exam.
- After completing the assessment form and the minutes of the program, the examiner is sent to the department admin and Koorprodi.
- Done
Juknis pelaksanaan ujian Perancangan online selama pandemic COVID-19.
- Mahasiswa sdh mendapatkan acc ujian dari pembimbing
- Mahasiswa membuat draft pengajuan HAKI (contoh ada di web jurusan)
- Students submit a letter to get an examiner (blank on the major website)
- Koorprodi gives the name of the examiner to the students.
- Students contact the examiner and agree on the hours and days of the exam to make a letter of assignment by the department admin.
- Students prepare an assessment form + revision + minutes to be sent to each examiner (blank on the department website)
- Students and examiners agree on the application that will be used for the online exam.
- After completing the assessment form and the minutes of the program, the examiner is sent to the department admin and Koorprodi.
- Done
Technical guidelines for implementing the online TA exam during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Mahasiswa sdh mendapatkan acc ujian dari pembimbing
- Mahasiswa membuat vidio uji kinerja alat yang dikembangkan beserta penjelasannya dengan durasi secukupnya
- Mahasiswa membuat draft pengajuan HAKI (contoh ada di web jurusan)
- Students submit a letter to get an examiner (blank on the major website)
- Koorprodi gives the name of the examiner to the students.
- Students contact the examiner and agree on the hours and days of the exam to make a letter of assignment by the department admin.
- Students prepare an assessment form + revision + minutes to be sent to each examiner (blank on the department website)
- Students and examiners agree on the application that will be used for the online exam.
- After completing the assessment form and the minutes of the program, the examiner is sent to the department admin and Koorprodi.
- Done
Juknis pelaksanaan Seminar Proposal Skripsi online selama pandemic COVID-19.
- Mahasiswa sudah mendapatkan acc ujian dari pembimbing
- Mahasiswa menghubungi penguji serta menyepakati jam dan hari pelaksanaan seminar untuk dibuatkan Surat Tugas oleh admin jurusan.
- Students prepare an assessment form + revision + minutes to be sent to each examiner (blank on the department website)
- Mahasiswa dan penguji menyepakati aplikasi yg akan digunakan untuk seminar online.
- Setelah selesai seminar, form penilaian dan berita acaranya dikirim mahasiswa ke admin jurusan dan Koorprodi.
- Done
- Mahasiswa mengisi link permohonan surat di web.
- Surat di buatkan admin jurusan TM.
- Fakultas memberi nomor surat.
- MAahasiswa cek di komputer jurusan apakah suratbsudah benar atau tidak, apabila masih ada kesalahan mohon konfirmasi ke admin jurusan untuk di perbaiki.
- jika sudah benar mahasiswa mengisi link permohonan klik ttd pejabat https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScbgj834AVbw3Z giuFAIJb-1eclPvrwijXBFu1z3mCAPIZ8kCA/viewform
- Setelah di klik ttd pejabat surat baru bisa di lihat di E-Office mahasiswa dan dosen