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referring to the letter from the Vice Dean I FT UM number: 22.8.1 / UN32.5.1 / EP / 2020 tentang Prosedur Uji Kemiripan untuk Program D3, S1, S2, dan S3, kemiripan (similarity) maksimum 30% diterapkan untuk program sarjana/diplomadan 20% untuk program master/doktor bagi mahasiswa di Fakultas Teknik. Uji kemiripian tersebut akan dilakukan di Fakultas dan Departemen. Oleh karena itu sangat penting untuk memperhatikan prosedur yang ada dalam proses pengujiannya.

Broadly speaking, please pay attention to the following main points:

  1. Students fill out a form known to the supervisor.
  2. Students submit files / documents in the form of complete words (not pdf or otherwise) starting from
    cover, table of contents to list of references.
  3. Documents must be in one file to be tested for similarity and not in parts.
  4. The similarity test result certificate shall be signed by the authorized official through the e-office.
  5. Mahasiswa pada Program Studi D3/S1/S2/S3 (mono disiplin) uji kemiripan dilakukan di departemen
  6. Students in the Multidisciplinary S2 / S3 Study Program (Vocational Education) a similarity test is carried out
    at the Faculty.

to facilitate the process, please download the file below:

Similarity Test Procedures and Forms
